Term Conditions Page

Terms & Conditions

Dear User

Registration and Other Information Included

Sikhanandkaraj.com does not verify the correctness of the information posted by Parents on this website, either independently or through third parties. The Registration information filed with us in the Registration process by Parents and others or other information collected/obtained through public domain and/or furnished by other Parents, included in our domain, is posted as such, and is not checked for its correctness and/or otherwise. In all cases, where Registration and/or other information is furnished and/or obtained and included or otherwise made available through our Initiative, we are merely acting as a “pass through agency” without relying or verifying on the correctness of the statements. Sikhanandkaraj.com does not warrant or guarantee the adequacy or accuracy or correctness of any of the information furnished. All Parents seeking Matrimony through Sikhanandkaraj.com must independently verify such statements with other Parents of brides and bridegrooms, either directly or through other independent and third party sources or agencies, to satisfy themselves and/or to make sure that the parties to a marriage are indeed truly making fair and accurate statements and representations, before finalizing the marriages. Through many interactions between brides and grooms, they may be your “best source” to finally verify the Statements made by boys and girls.

Sikhanandkaraj will not be bound by any claims, financial or otherwise, or any consequential loss or punitive damages sustained by parents, against Sikhanandkaraj. through errors of omission or commission, on its part, or intentional/willful fraud and/or concealment or withholding of information, misrepresentation or non-representation or failure to fully disclose or any willful fraud committed by one Parent against one another. Caveat Emptor in Latin means “Let the Purchaser Beware!” BE SURE TO VERIFY THE BONA FIDES OF THE STATEMENTS AND DISCLOSURES BY OTHER PARENTS, THROUGH YOUR OWN SOURCES, BEFORE FINALIZING AN ALLIANCE.

All Parents whose sons’ and daughters’ information is included herein are hereby afforded an opportunity to voluntarily change and correctly reflect the information posted herein and to include any other information and changes so as to correctly depict their information and their specific wants and needs in their “search and seek process” ~ so others seeking, know exactly what your wants and needs are, to facilitate that such seeking is exact and focused to the needs of the Parents and to keep out “unwanted expressions of interest”, not conforming to others’ requirements. However, Sikhanandkaraj is not responsible for the oversight of Parents in not rectifying/updating their postings in this regard.

 If you suspect and/or run into any misinformation in the entries and/or a Parent has not revoked his ward’s profile after the engagement/marriage is over, kindly bring such instances to our attention, so we can take appropriate corrective action in the matter.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding our Disclaimer Policy, please call us or email your specifics to us at our email id: info@sikhanandkaraj.com